Geile Knoten: ein Projekt über (Wiener) Verkehrsknoten …

Geile Knoten is an artistic project around knots, traffic and public spaces in Vienna!
We are planning a day of action, a so called Aktionstag. A day of exhibiting and putting art into the public. At the same time: we are sceptical towards lots of connotations of the term „Aktionstag“. It does not fit.
We love direct action, but we won´t produce Action. We don´t deliver and will not perform, rather rest, slow down and question the modes of traffic, transport and delivery!
On October 22nd we gonna sit on Matzleinsdorfer Platz, a major Viennese traffic junction. We gonna meet there, we gonna work on knots and with knots. We will show arts, we eat, we discuss alternatives to the hegemonic spaces of traffic.
+ This is an open project in public space. We ask everyone to come by, to bring a stool, a piece of art or some rope.
Traffic Knots (Verkehrsknotenpunkte) in Vienna have become catalysts of gentrification in recent years. Mostly those spaces have been transformed into Shopping Malls, with no other social or cultural functions. Broken places: full of cars, commodities and heat!
Neoliberal/neofascist stories about dirt, criminals and foreigners have been distracting people from fighting for democratic, public and open spaces or even care for good places to be, to meet, to do, to talk, to exchange.
Instead alienation and fear was planted into people. We were taught that we would only need: more cleanliness and more security. Technical stuff. For what? To even feel more insecure and lost. It is – above all – about the security of capital and power. Making ground (and images, etc.) for privatization and gentrification!
Over the recent years the city, the state and public transport companies, hand in hand with police, publishing houses and artists have put lots of effort and thoughts into the expulsion of working-class people, people with less income or unwanted/disturbing bodies in general. Major traffic junctions are used as (mediated) plattforms and catalysts for this process!
On October 22nd 2022 we gonna demonstrate our wish for another kind of Verkehrsknotenpunkte in Vienna. The evil knots of Neoliberalism have failed. We need different kind of knots.
Bring a stool, a piece of art or cake. Tie a knot.
Come by Matzleinsdorfer Platz.
Walk bye.